Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Role of Mentor in Evaluating Student Learning Essay

Role of Mentor in Evaluating Student Learning - Essay ExampleNMC (2008) emphasizes that qualified mentors be equipped with certain qualities which abets them to facilitate learning and assess students in practice settings. Some of these qualities as defined by Kerry and Mayes (1995) are role modelling nurturing place capable of enhancing professional competencies of mentee and building constructive relationship not only as teacher, friend or counsellor but as one of carer that is prolong over a period of time. The mentors exert extensive influence on the learners and often act as role models for them. Consequently, the moral responsibilities of mentor are significantly more pronounced. Most importantly, in the era of fast globalization, ethical considerations and moral obligations become critical factors in healthcare industry and effective mentoring helps to inculcate and erect ethics within their profession. As per NMC (2008), mentoring involves eight major roles as precept or assessor clinical educator clinical supervision clinical supervisor go for teacher registrant, supervisor. Preceptor primarily has basic minimum qualification of atleast twelve months experience in the desired area.UK government provides the facility of preceptors to all new nurses to help them to become dedicated registrants. While assessor is equipped with necessary skills to assess students competencies, Clinical educators, clinical supervision and clinical supervisor help the nursing students to elicit their skills in clinical setting through effective feedback. Waskett (2010) believes that it helps the students to become confident and acquire skills that improve their performance. The rest of the roles of mentor differ with different areas in healthcare and medical environment. Hawkins and Shohet (2006) assert that supervisors as mentors are important as they help

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